Pavel dmitrichenko tsiskaridze wife

Pavel dmitrichenko tsiskaridze wife dies

They include Anzhelina Vorontsova, formerly of the Bolshoi and the common-law wife of Pavel Dmitrichenko, the Bolshoi soloist convicted last week of ordering the attack on .

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Pavel dmitrichenko tsiskaridze wife

On March 5, they arrested Vorontsova’s common-law husband, Pavel Dmitrichenko, who is also a star dancer at the Bolshoi.

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In the meantime, Vorontsova had fallen in love with Pavel Dmitrichenko, a twenty-nine-year-old soloist and a devotee of both Grigorovich and Tsiskaridze; the couple lived .
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She is now identified as ballerina Anzhelina Vorontsova, Dmitrichenko's common-law wife.