Heraclitus of ephesus fragments
Heraclitus fragments explained
This paper contains all the fragments which can authoritatively be ascribed to Heraclitus, following the listing in Diels-Kranz "Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker" 5 ed.
Heraclitus fragment 1
HERACLITUS (Ἡράκλειτος; c.
Heraclitus' philosophy
The Fragments of the Work of Heraclitus of Ephesus on Nature; Translated from the Greek Text of by Ingram Bywater, Heraclitus.
Heraclitus fragments in greek
Heraclitus in Raphael's School of Athens, thanks to CGFA: This site is a project putting the Greek fragments of Heraclitus on the, together with English translations, text notes, and .