Catherine de medici biography wikipedia francais

How did catherine de' medici twins die

Catherine de Médicis () fut reine de France, mère de trois rois et de deux reines et, entre et environ, la femme la plus puissante de France et, peut Missing: biography.

catherine de medici biography wikipedia francais

Catherine de' medici husband

Caterina de' Medici (2 May – 17 April ) was a Tuscan noblewoman of the Medici family.

Catherine de' medici family tree

Catherine de Medici © Italian-born French queen, regent and mother of three kings of France.

Catherine de' medici death cause
Catherine de' Medici () was a Machiavellian politician, wife of Henry II of France, and later regent for her three feeble sons at the twilight of the Valois dynasty, who .