Biography of george stepenson
How did george stephenson die
George Stephenson © Stephenson was a pioneering railway engineer and inventor of the 'Rocket', the most famous early railway locomotive.
George stephenson invention
George Stephenson, an English inventor, is best known as the creator of one of the first steam locomotives and the builder of the first public railway, the Stockton and Darlington Railway.
George stephenson education
Son of a colliery workman, without schooling, George Stephenson became one of the most famous of all engineers.
What was george stephenson famous for
George Stephenson (Wylam, Northumberland, Erresuma Batua, ko ekainaren 9a - Tapton-House, ko abuztuaren 12an hil zen) britainiar asmatzailea izan zen, lurrunezko lokomotoraren diseinatzailea, eta an lehen tren-makina eraiki zuen, burdinbideen historiari hasiera emanez.